Medical Ozone - Prolozone - MAHT - UBI

Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 8am to 5pm
  Contact : 032 940 0417

Looking for Medical Ozone Equipment,Ozone Consumables or Liposomal Nutrients in Southern Africa?
Click on the filter tabs below to see all the items from that category and then select the “view details” tab for any specific item.
We have many more products than are listed here, so please don’t hesitate to talk to us about your Medical Ozone needs.

  1. Petro Vercuiel

    I want to get exact instructions for thevuse of Hydrogen Peroxide 35% Food grade.M husband has heart problems (fibrilation), and has pacemaker and stent. I have intestinal parasites that cause arthritis. Thank you, Petro Vercuiel

  2. Shaun

    Pls check your mail for a reply from our e mail address.

  3. Tanya bureva

    Good Day ,
    i am looking for lipo Vit C for kids to be liquit.
    Are you selling or do you know from where i can get it in South Africa?

    Regards: tanya

  4. Suzanne Marinda Noeth

    I have heard and read so much about the use of Hydrogen Peroxide 35% Food Grade for many illnesses. I would appreciate any information on the use of this to rid myself of all that is not supposed to be in the body. Kind regards. Suzanne Noeth.

  5. Shaun

    Hello Suzanne,
    We unfortunately do not provide instructions or protocols for the use of hydrogen peroxide as there are just too many risks involved that we cannot manage but are liable for if we provide info.
    The best advice is to search for and download the free e-book called “The One Minute Cure”.


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